The MareFrame DST Training Tool is version 1.0. This means that all features are implemented and tested for bugs. Three example scenarios have been made and are available at the link provided in the user manual. New scenarios for each case-study are easily made. In addition, the software design of the training tool makes it is easy to add new features such as: more or different species and vessels, Graphical improvements and Increase the number of tracked indicators. Adding new features is beyond the scope of the project. Problem based learning is the method used in the training tool, so the training tool is used to create a concrete context, for learning about the MareFrame Decision Support Application. In problem based learning you are presented with the problem before you are introduced to theory. The theory of this method is that by trying to solve the problem multiple times with varying degrees of success, it engages and motivate the user to reflect and learn. (Walker, Leary, Hmelo-Silver, Ertmer , 2015). This deliverable is a user manual exclusive to the training tool developed within the MareFrame Project. The user manual for MareFrame Decision Support Application is due for delivery in June 2017.

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