In the Icelandic case study a complex GADGET model incorporating the major stocks and fleets will be constructed. In the model the interactions between these stocks in terms of food interactions and mixed fisheries issues will be investigated. The key species modelled are the gadoids; cod, haddock, saithe and the pelagic fish stocks such as capelin, herring and mackerel. Stocks of lesser commercial importance such as tusk, ling, wolffish and plaice will be incorporated as their productivity may be important in the highly mixed fishery in Icelandic waters. Top predators such as whales and seals will be included in the model. The impacts of changing stock dynamics on the whole system in terms of EAFM will be of key importance in the case study. One Atlantis operating model will be based on the data from Icelandic waters.

CS Leader: Guðmundur Þórðarson, MRI
Models: GADGET, EwE and Atlantis
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet: Northern & Western Waters – Iceland Waters

In this area the main EAFM issues addressed by the case study will be: i) effect of the increased seal predation on gadoid stocks, cod in particular; ii) impact of Nephrops fishery on juvenile gadoid; iii) bottom-up effects of climate change on gadoid stocks (i.e. changes in currents and nutrient levels); iv) impact of fisheries on seafloor (coral). Enhanced versions of Ecopath with Ecosim and FishSUMS will be used in this case study to understand the above mentioned fisheries and climate effects and deliver management advice.
Case Study fact sheet: Northern Waters – West of Scotland

CS Leader: Paul Fernandes, UNIABDN
Advisory Councils involved: NWWRAC and PRAC
Models: EwE and FishSums
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet: Northern Waters: West of Scotland

The combined dynamics of the environment together with the trophic interactions of mammals and pelagic fisheries will be evaluated in the Gulf of Cádiz (ICES subdivision IXa south). In this area anchovy fisheries controlled by the environment as well as significant mammalian populations are known to occur but their relative importance and the dynamic role of their interactions are unknown. The combined dynamics of mammals and demersal fisheries will be evaluated at the extension of the Atlantic area of Iberien peninsula, corresponding with the Southern hake stock (ICES Subdivision VIIIc and IXa) The main objectives are linked to the understanding of the following interactions in the Atlantic South-Western waters: i) evaluate pelagic and demersal fisheries as impacted by small-cetacean predation; ii) evaluate the trophic impact of pelagic and demersal fisheries on small-cetacean populations; iii) evaluate the risks of adverse environments and human pressures on small-cetacean populations and pelagic fisheries; iv) evaluate the impact of hake on their pelagic preys.
CS Leader: Javier Ruiz, CSIC
Advisory Councils involved: SWWRAC
Models: GADGET
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet: South-Western Waters – Iberian Waters
The Strait of Sicily is one of the most important fishing areas of the Mediterranean where fisheries still have a high socio-economic and cultural relevance. This area holds most of the main management issues affecting the Mediterranean fisheries namely: i): conflicts between artisanal and industrial fisheries, ii) ineffective management of shared stocks, iii) high impact on habitats, iv) decline of fisheries productivity and overfishing, v) high rate of environmental change and global warming, vi) ineffective management and lack of tools supporting EAFM. Atlantis and GADGET will be implemented to investigate the direct and indirect effects of multi-fleet and multispecies fisheries on the ecosystem and food web functioning of the Strait of Sicily. Trophic flows between components of the ecosystem, in particular small pelagic species and hake, will be investigated to improve the understanding of the dynamics of these stocks under different environmental scenarios. The impact of alternative scenarios of technical measures (e.g. area closure, mesh sizes, gear restrictions), on the ecosystem and fisheries will be also investigated. This Atlantis model will form the second operating model for testing EwE and GADGET.

CS Leader: Francesco Colloca, CNR
Advisory Councils involved: RACMED
Models: GADGET and Atlantis
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet: Mediterranian– Straits of Sicily

The Chatham Rise is a broad ridge lying to the east of central New Zealand and extending for c. 1400 km. Warm subtropical and cold sub-Antarctic waters meet at the western end of the Chatham Rise and then run eastwards forming the subtropical front, creating ideal conditions for primary productivity.

CS Leader: Ian Tuck, NIWA
Models: Atlantis
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet:  New Zealand – Chatham Rise

Restore turbot fisheries to more productive levels, considering both the effect of fisheries and the ecosystem change occurred in the last 30 years is the main objective of this case study. Both EWE and GADGET will be implemented in the western sector of the Black Sea (Romanian coasts). This will increase the knowledge about the Black Sea ecosystem functioning and thereby serve to advice on the rebuilding of the turbot stock. Further this will provide input to the development of a management plan.

CS Leader: Gheorghe Radu, INCDM
Advisory Councils involved: RAC, FOMLRM, forthcoming Black Sea AC
Models: GADGET and EwE
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet: Black Sea

The Baltic case study will implement ecosystem models able to characterize key species interactions and food-web functioning and fisheries effect within and across the different sub-basins that compose the Baltic Sea. Characterize the abundance and trophic dynamics of key fish species in the Baltic including cod, herring, sprat and flounder is the general objective of the study. Through increased realism of the models proposed the case study will investigate the direct and ecosystem-mediated effects of a trade-off between the different fisheries which operate in the Baltic. The implementation of an integrated ecosystem assessment framework will contribute to the development of a regional ecosystem-based management of the Baltic Sea.

CS Leader: Valerio Bartolino, SLU
Advisory Councils involved: BSRAC
Models: GADGET, EwE, Multispecies production model
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet: Baltic Sea

The North Sea is a mixed fisheries system with strong sub-regional variations in species guilds where the detailed outcomes of actions are intrinsically difficult to predict precisely. Hence predictions need to be made on a probabilistic basis that reflects where biological knowledge is insufficient and some inputs will need to be defined by stakeholder information. Having a long history of high fishing mortalities, important indicators include the proportion of large fish. Simple and complex models (from aggregates to Gadget) will be used to investigate the behaviour of such indicators, including their responses to different harvest strategies. The appropriate prediction models will be further tuned in consultation with the NSAC and the PELAC.

CS Leader: John Pope, NRC
Advisory Councils involved: NSAC, PELAC
Models: GADGET, EwE, Multispecies production model, Size spectra
For more info: Decision Support Framework
Case Study Fact sheet: North Sea