MareFrame Final Report
MareFrame RoadMaps
- General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
- The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
- The MareFrame Legacy – Decision Support Framework (DSF) RoadMap
MareFrame Portfolio
Miscellaneous publications
- Leaflet (pdf)
- Poster (pdf)
- Presentation (pdf)
- MareFrame Illustration (jpg)
Final Meeting material, including pdfs and videos
- The economic value of environmental data: a notional insurance scheme for the European anchovy
- User friendly Multispecies Fisheries Models
- Role of prey abundance and geographical variables in a demersal top predator’s feeding habits
- Abundance and distribution of the Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the north of the Iberian Peninsula
- Estimation of the common dolphin(Delphinus delphis) mortality-at-age from strandings of a threatened population
- What hat are you wearing? On the multiple roles of fishery scientists in the ICES community
- Summary of the Round Table Discussion on the EAFM in the Common Fisheries Policy
- Abstract_and_poster_Tulcea_Conference_May_2015
- Abstract_Aqualires_Conference_January_2014
- Abstract_EcoProWater_Conference_October_2015
- Abstract_GREDIT_Conference_March-April_2016
- Abstract_GreInSus_Conference_May_2014
- Abstract_Macodesu_Conference_September_2015
- Abstract_Opatjia_Conference_February_2015
- Eurofish_Magazine_October_2014
- FABA_Presentation_September_2014
- Contributions of the MareFrame Project to ecosystem-based fisheries management solutions for european fish stocks