

Moving from ecosystem-based policy objectives to operational implementation of ecosystem-based management measures

ICES Journal of Marine Sciences. Cormier et al (2016) state that scientific impediments to the implementation of ecosystem-based management (EBM) are no longer significant to implement EBM operationally. In their view, operational implementation is a management problem solving issue rather than a scientific one. Would MareFramers agree? The full abstract is available here Reference: Roland

November 3rd, 2016|

Novel parallelization of simulated annealing and Hooke & Jeeves search algorithms for multicore systems with application to complex fisheries stock assessment models (peer reviewed publication)

Abstract Estimating parameters of a statistical fisheries assessment model typically involves a comparison of disparate datasets to a forward simulation model through a likelihood function. In all but trivial cases the estimations of these models tend to be time-consuming due to issues related to multi-modality and non-linearity. This paper develops novel parallel implementations of popular

November 1st, 2016|


24-25.10.2016: dr. Simion Nicolaev, dr. Tania Zaharia, dr. Valodia Maximov participated in Bucharest, Romania, to the HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE TOWARDS ENHANCED COOPERATION ON BLACK SEA FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE, organized by ther General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), in collaboration with the Black Sea Commission, Eurofish, ACCOBAMS and BSEC.   The first day was dedicated to

October 27th, 2016|

Vacancy for the post of Head of Advisory Support – ICES Secretariat

ICES Secretariat has an open vacancy for Head of Advisory Support. Deadline for applications: 20 October. Published: 5 October 2016 The Head of Advisory Support leads the Advisory Department in the ICES Secretariat. The Advisory Department comprises 15 staff members who support the delivery of  advisory products from single fish stocks to multi-species and mixed

October 12th, 2016|

A scientific decision-support tool for the development of a management plan in the Celtic Sea

The DG-MARE has released the final report of the DAMARA Project (DemersAl Mixed fishery Analysis tool for Regional Advice), which arouse from a North Western Waters Advisory Council initiative to develop a mixed-fisheries management plan for the Celtic Sea and a parallel initiative by the European Associacion of Fish Producers Organizations to improve selectivity in

October 11th, 2016|

Consolidation and distribution of quota holdings in the Icelandic fisheries (peer reviewed publication)

Abstract The aim of this work is to measure the development of the concentration of quota holdings by harvesting companies and harbours in Iceland. For the period 1990–2014, the analysis traces the development of relative quota holdings of the biggest actors operating large vessels as well as firms that employ smaller boats that are only

October 1st, 2016|

MareFrame invited to South-Africa

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the European Commission (EC) are organizing an event on October 3rd, 2016, to celebrate the 20 years of SA-EU STI Cooperation (South-Africa-EU Science, technology and innovation cooperation).  The event will be in a form of a dinner hosted by Her Excellency Mrs Naledi Pandor, Minister of Science

September 19th, 2016|

Workshop on the on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Advice in the European Union at ICES

The Workshop on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Advice in the European Union will be held at ICES on the 4th October 2016. The implementation of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) has been discussed widely and is stated as a goal in many legal frameworks including the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). While

September 19th, 2016|

Key principles of ecosystem-based management: the fishermen’s perspective

Fish and Fisheries. Long, Charles y Stephenson (2016) analyze the implementation gap for a widespread adoption of the ecosystem-based management approach in fisheries. The article constrast fishermen's  perspectives of EBM principles (based on a survey conduced in Atlantic Canada) with those offered in the literature. The methodological approach is a valuable tool for comparison and

September 19th, 2016|

Deliverable 3.3 – Upload and extraction routines available for all data sources and methods used in the project

In this report, we describe the current state of the MFDB R packages, now in version 5. We describe the structure of the package, and give an overview of usage, in relation to GADGET, EwE/Rpath and Atlantis. Finally, we describe the current state of development and possible enhancements.   More info.

September 3rd, 2016|