

Deliverable 2.1 On relevant novel information and data available for integration into new models

The first deliverable in WP2 is related with the first task (Task 2.1) dealing with the compilation of novel information from all Case Studies (CSs). The workshop at the Kick-off meeting (see report in annex

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 1.1 State of the art of EAF – the science-policy-society interface in the European Union

This report is the first deliverable of Work Pakcage 1 (WP1 – Co-creation & pathways for implementation), entitled: State of the art of EAF - the science-policy-society interface in the European Union. The report is

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 4.2 – Common reporting procedures for model output

This report is a deliverable of Work Package 4 (WP4 – Ecosystem models and assessment models) of the FP7 MareFrame research project. It proposes a common procedure for reporting the outputs from the different ecosystem

November 18th, 2014|