

Consolidation and distribution of quota holdings in the Icelandic fisheries (peer reviewed publication)

Abstract The aim of this work is to measure the development of the concentration of quota holdings by harvesting companies and harbours in Iceland. For the period 1990–2014, the analysis traces the development of relative quota holdings of the biggest actors operating large vessels as well as firms that employ smaller boats that are only

May 1st, 2016|

1st Thematic Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning and Sustainable Economic development in the Western Black Sea region

1st  Thematic Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning and Sustainable Economic development in the Western Black Sea region, Ovidius University of Constanta, Hall of the University Administrative Board, Constanta, Romania, 18th of April 2016 - Session on Black Sea Fisheries in the frame of Maritime Spatial Planning. Opportunities for Sustainable Development - Promoting ecosystem based approaches for

April 20th, 2016|

Fifth meeting of the GFCM ad hoc Working Group of the Black Sea

Fifth meeting of the GFCM ad hoc Working Group of the Black Sea, hosted by the State Agency of Fisheries in Kiev,Ukraine, from 5 to 7 April 2016   The representatives of five countries bordering the Black Sea (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine) as well as the European Union, ACCOBAMS and the Commission on the

April 20th, 2016|

Black Sea Commission – Advisory Groups on Conservation of Biodiversity (CBD) and Fisheries and other Marine Living Resources Management (AGFOMLRM)

Black Sea Commission - Advisory Groups on Conservation of Biodiversity (CBD) and  Fisheries and other Marine Living Resources Management (AGFOMLRM), Istanbul, Turkey, 12-13.04.2016

April 20th, 2016|

The North Sea Advisory Council gets hand-on the Decision Support tool

On April 11th representatives of the North Sea Advisory Council have participated in the Decision Support Workshop for the North Sea Case Study in The Hague. Leaded by John Pope, this is one of the most challenging case studies for MareFrame (view details here). Since 2014, the NSAC has proactively contributed to both the overarching

April 15th, 2016|

MareFrame DSF Tools for the Black Sea Turbot Case Study presented at the International Conference GREDIT 2016

Conference dates: 30 March to 2 April 2016 Venue: University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Technical Campus Skopje, Republic of Macedonia   Topics of the conference Air - water - soil pollution Risk assessment - sustainable development Renewable energy resources and management of natural resources Agriculture, Agro ecology, Food Quality safety Management of urban and

April 5th, 2016|

Start of a very interesting EU project | ClimeFish – not a prank!

Today we will stick a paper fish to your back – but tomorrow we start investigating the impact of climate change on European fisheries and aquaculture The French term “Poisson d'Avril” ('April fish' or an ‘April Fool') was established in the 16th Century when the king moved the start of the year from the end

April 1st, 2016|

Turning sicence into policy: What scientists should (and should not) do when talking to policy makers)

MEAM Feb-Mar 2015, Issue 8:3 The MEAM issue provides useful insights into what scientist tend do wrong, do right and can improve in communicating science to policy-makers.  Shortly: Build trust with policy-makers instead of just focusing on short-term wins. When describing your science, lead with the "why" not the "what". Policy-makers and their constituents don't

March 10th, 2016|

ICES Ecosystems overviews available

ICES Ecosystem overviews have been released for the following regions: Barents Sea Ecoregion - Ecosystem overview Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast Ecoregion – Ecosystem overview Celtic Seas Ecoregion – Ecosystem overview​ Greater North Sea Ecoregion – Ecosystem overview These overviews feature ecosystem descriptions combined with long-term species trends and long-term trends in drivers of

March 8th, 2016|

Researcher in fisheries management at The Norwegian Collage of Fishery Science

Application deadline: March 22nd 2016 Ref: 2016/2432 The Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NCFS), UiT the Arctic University of Norway has a Researcher position vacant in population biology and modelling. The position is attached to the research group BRIDGE. The position of Researcher is for a period of four years. The Norwegian College of Fishery Science

March 4th, 2016|