Mareframe in Media

/Mareframe in Media

Acknowledgements For Icelandic Scientists

When? 27.02.2014 Where? Iceland Medium type: Fisheries related newspaper Name of medium: Ægir, ( Title: Viðurkenning fyrir íslenska vísindamenn // Acknowledgements for Icelandic scientists Summary: Icelandic scientists have been asked to lead a large multi-national project, "Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions", which could have a profound effect on the way we will catch fish

February 27th, 2014|

Could Radically Change Fisheries In Europe

When? 14.02.2014 at 18:30 Where? Iceland Medium type: Television - part of Vísir news, Name of medium: Channel 2 news Title: Gæti gjö rbreytt sjávaútvegi í Evrópu // Could radically change fisheries in Europe Summary: Icelandic scientists have been asked to lead a large multi-national project, "Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions", that could have

February 14th, 2014|

Tools For Management Of Fisheries

When? 13.02.2014 Where? Iceland Medium type: The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Name of medium: Ríkisútvarpið RUV - news related talk show broadcast Title: Tæki og tól fyrir fiskveiðistjórnun // Tools for management of fisheries Summary: Three out of every four fish stock is overfished in the EU. Icelanders are among others, leading a new project

February 13th, 2014|

Matís And University Of Iceland Are Leading A Large EU Project

When? 13.02.2014 Where? Iceland Medium type: Newspaper Name of medium: Viðskiptablaðið, // Business weekly Title: Matís og HÍ leiða risaverkefni // Matís and University of Iceland are leading a large EU project Summary: Matís and University of Iceland are in a leading role in a large multi-national project from EU FP7, which EU has

February 13th, 2014|

Launch Of The MareFrame Project “Co-Creating Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Solutions”

When? 11.02.2014 12:20 Where? Iceland Medium type: National radio lunchtime news Name of medium: Ríkisútvarpið RUV The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Title: MareFrame // Launch of the MareFrame Project "Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions" Summary: EU CFP is under constant construction and Matís is leading a large project on CFP Web link: Institute: Matís

February 11th, 2014|

Launch Of The MareFrame Project “Co-Creating Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Solutions”

When? 11.02.2014 Where? Iceland Medium type: National radio website, - online version Name of medium: Ríkisútvarpið RUV The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Title: Fjölstofna fiskveiðistjórnunarkerfi // Launch of the MareFrame Project "Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions" Summary: Matís and University of Iceland are in a leading role in a large multi-national project from EU

February 11th, 2014|

Leading A Large Multi-National Project

When? 11.02.2014 at 12:00 Where? Iceland Medium type: Bylgjan - private radio station Name of medium: Bylgjan Title: Leiða fjö lþjóða rannsóknarverkefni // Leading a large multi-national project Summary: Icelandic scientists have been asked to lead a large multi-national project; "Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions" Web link: Institute: Matís

February 11th, 2014|

Matís And University Of Iceland Are Leading A Large EU Project

When? 11.02.2014 Where? Iceland Medium type: Newspaper - online version Name of medium: Viðskiptablaðið, // Business weekly Title: Matís og HÍ leiða risaverkefni // Matís and University of Iceland are leading a large EU project Summary: Matís and University of Iceland are in a leading role in a large multi-national project from EU FP7,

February 11th, 2014|

Icelanders Assigned In Helping EU To Minimize Overfishing

When? 11.02.2014 Where? Iceland Medium type: Online Newspaper Name of medium: Vísir, Title: Íslendingum falið að stemma stigu við ofveiði Evrópusambandsins // Icelanders assigned in helping EU to minimize overfishing. Summary: Matís, University of Iceland and Icelandic Marine Research Institute will be leading a large multi-national project on European fisheries management. Web link:

February 11th, 2014|

Iceland In A Key Position

When? 11.02.2014 Where? Iceland Medium type: The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service - online version Name of medium: Ríkisútvarpið RUV Title: Ísland í forystuhlutverki // Iceland in a key position Summary: Icelanders are among others, leading a new project from the EU worth approx. 900 million ISK., aimed to help EU countries develop a new fisheries

February 11th, 2014|