

Deliverable 4.3 – Parameterisation part 2. Working model run for each case study which replicates the time series of the GES indicators

This report is a deliverable of work package 4 (WP4 – Ecosystem models and assessment models) of the FP7 MareFrame research project. One of the aims of the MareFrame project is to identify management strategies which will achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) by applying a minimum of two ecosystem models on each of eight different

December 28th, 2016|

Deliverable 2.4 For the correct implementation of novel data types

Work package 2 (WP2) aimed to identify, collect, and evaluate information not usually considered for assessment and management. Deliverable 2.4 (D2.4) contains a list of protocols that describe the final implementation of the novel data into models within each case study (CS). Each of these protocols is written in a similar way as a "Material

December 28th, 2016|

Deliverable 3.3 – Upload and extraction routines available for all data sources and methods used in the project

In this report, we describe the current state of the MFDB R packages, now in version 5. We describe the structure of the package, and give an overview of usage, in relation to GADGET, EwE/Rpath and Atlantis. Finally, we describe the current state of development and possible enhancements.   More info.

September 3rd, 2016|

Deliverable 8.4 Press office MareFrame website

The MareFrame Press Office was set-up as an independent section on the MareFrame website and designed as a hub where information of the project progress is constantly posted. It is divided into three main sections: “Press Release”, “MareFrame in Media” and “Communication Materials”. The Press Office enables spreading information to a wider array of audiences

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 8.3 Plan for use and dissemination of Mareframe foreground

The aim of the dissemination in the MareFrame project is to make the project results well-known in Europe and to disseminate the results to all potential stakeholders, i.e. SMEs, consumers, retailers, consumer organizations, solution providers and control authorities. In addition, MareFrame will disseminate the results to other on-going projects and initiatives relevant for the project

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 8.2 Informative posters and booklets-brochures

Posters and leaflets are tools MareFrame uses to present the project and promote its message to a target audience. The MareFrame information poster and leaflet were designed to disseminate project information. The materials were designed as simple tools to disseminate the project to a wide array of target audiences, complying with the FP7 visibility rules.

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 8.1 Website for MareFrame project

The MareFrame project website is a multifaceted website, a public site and internet platform for partners and stakeholders. It was established by INCDM, which purchased a domain (.org) for hosting and administration. To ensure continuity once MareFrame is finished, a simple archive website will be hosted and maintained by Matís. Read more.

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 7.1 Institutional challenges for policy-making and fisheries advice to move to a full EAFM approach

This report is the first deliverable of Work Package 7 (WP7 – Synthesis & training development), entitled: Institutional challenges for policy-making and fisheries advice to move to a full EAFM approach. The report is set up as required by the reference peer reviewed journals in the field of Marine Policy/Ocean and Coastal Management, where it

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 6.3 DSF interface software

Deliverable 6.3 summarizes the outcomes obtained for Subtask 6.4.2: “DSF interface development”. The MareFrame DSF (Decision Support Framework) is a pragmatic planning process, and the DSF interface software makes the necessary information and tools available within this process. For each case study, the DSF interface integrates information from the ecosystem models (Ecopath with Ecosim, Gadget,

March 10th, 2016|

Deliverable 6.2 A decision support toolbox for EAFM

Deliverable 6.2 is a journal manuscript with a working title „A decision support toolbox for EAFM“. It is an output from Subtask 6.2: Develop decision support tools (DST). The manuscript describes the rationale and context of the DSF interface which is computerized in MareFrame (D6.3). At the same time, we define the process which is

March 10th, 2016|